Successfully complete all of Rouge's stages and missions to unlock her in an alternate costume in Kart mode. Play as Rouge in alternate costume in Kart mode Successfully complete all of Knuckles' stages and missions to unlock him in his alternate form in Kart mode. Play as Knuckles in alternate form in Kart mode

Successfully complete all of Eggman's stages and missions to unlock him in his alternate Eggwalker in Kart mode. Play as Eggman in alternate Eggwalker in Kart mode Successfully complete all of Tails' stages and missions to unlock him in the Tornado 1 in Kart mode.

Play as Tails in the Tornado 1 in Kart mode Successfully complete all of Shadow's stages and missions to unlock him in an alternate costume in Kart mode. Play as Shadow in alternate costume in Kart mode

Successfully complete all of Sonic's stages and missions to unlock him in the PSO suit in Kart mode. Play as Sonic in alternate costume in Kart mode Once you have them all, which should total 180, the island next to the Green Forest stage will have the face of Sonic on it. To get a 3D version of the Green Hills Zone stage, from Sonic The Hedgehog, you must get all the Emblems, including Kart, Timed Boss, and the emblems for all "A" rating. Then, enter story mode and a "Last Stage?" selection will appear on the menu between the Hero and Dark selections. Successfully complete the Hero and Dark side story modes. You will be able to fight the bosses from the side of the story you completed. Successfully complete the Hero or Dark side story modes to unlock boss attack mode. Successfully complete Rouge's chase mission in the Dark side story to unlock the kart racing mini-game in the Dark side story. Successfully complete Tails' driving quest in the Hero side story to unlock the kart racing mini-game in the Hero side story.